Legal – Terms, Conditions & Policies
Company Trading Name
Cn is a trading name for ChristianJBennett Ltd and therefore invoices will be sent using the full company name.
Cookie Law
By viewing and clicking links on you automatically agree to understanding that we may use cookies as part of the user experience. This relates to the EU Cookie Legislation. A cookie is a small amount of data generated by a website and saved by your web browser. Its purpose is to remember information about you, similar to a preference file created by a software application. Analytics – for example – uses cookies to track demographic data. Passwords can also be stored by your browser by using cookies to automatically auto-fill the password field to save you time when you visit the website. Therefore cookies related to how you use this website may be collected. By interacting with this website, cookies relating to you can be stored by your browser and other third party integrations therefore it is very important to note that by using this website you are consenting to this.
Email Subscriptions / Form Submissions
When you submit your email and details via one of our contact forms, we promise not to pass on your submitted information to any third party. We also understand that you may want to confirm or leave the email subscription at any point hence we ask that you contact us with the subject stating whether you wish your email to be confirmed or deleted. If we do not hear from you we will automatically assume you wish to be kept on the list and have chosen to opt in.
GDPR Compliance | Privacy & Security
This website complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regulation as set out HERE. It does this by adhering to the advice supplied by the Information Commissioner’s Office as set out HERE. It is very important to note that by viewing pages and clicking the links of this website you are consenting to your involvement with the GDPR regulations such as the use and management of your personal information. Any queries you have relating to this law should be made clear by contacting us. If you do not agree with our policies please opt out by not visiting this website anymore once you are satisfied all your data queries have been dealt with.
By clicking the “Stay” button on the alert bar shown at the bottom of a page and or not choosing to click the “Leave” button you have chosen to abide by our Terms, Conditions & Policies. Furthermore, every time you are viewing a page on this website and clicking a link you are confirming your consent to abide by our data terms and conditions and privacy policies. This means some data relating to you might be stored on our servers. For example if you sign up to become a user and receive a profile page, your name and email is considered data stored by us. We need such data so that you can log back in whenever you wish to view and amend your profile details. This information is not likely to be passed on to any third party. If you opt into a form which involves the need to use a third party then your details may be passed on, if you click a link to an external service appropriate personal information maybe transferred, for example if you are claiming 50% off an Amazon purchase your analytics may follow you from this website to this is considered a legal and sensible form of normal data collection which is designed to serve your personal needs as appropriately and easily as is possible, giving you a great user experience. Submitting information to us via a form and or subscription is also seen as you approving of us using the submitted information to best serve your needs. At all costs we aim to safeguard your data and hope you understand that it is in our best interest to do so.
Once you have opted to continue using this website – and therefore are agreeing to the use of cookies – you may also change your mind and choose to opt-out. You can do this by following these two steps:
- First check which browser/s you have used when visiting this website and delete all of the stored information held within each browser. You can do this by following the advice found in Option1 and or Option2.
- Once cookies have been deleted never visit this website again or you will have to consent to the use of cookies all over again. Plus to be cautious, you can install this free Avira Browser Safety extension to a Chrome browser to block cookies.
If you are still concerned what cookie related information may have been stored please contact us directly via our contact details.
Dispute Resolution
It has never happened but in the very unlikely event you need to raise an official dispute with Cn you can start the company’s Dispute Resolution Process (DRP). Cn believes in fairness and agrees to use the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) service provided by Citizens Advice UK or any equivalent suggested authority. This ensures that a non bias third party can look over your dispute and advise on the most appropriate outcome. If you wish to raise a DRP with Cn please in the first instance email with your concerns; you will receive a response within 24 hours.
Hosting / Fair Usage
Cn’s hosting prices are stated as a standard indicator in the first instance. These estimated prices are subject to change if it is deemed your account is requesting / using an excess amount of resource. In the event this occurs you will be contacted and notified of the situation so that a solution can be found to keep your website performance optimised. If you wish to change or leave a hosting package you can do so after payment has been received for the amount of usage you have incurred. Payment will be charged monthly upfront. If you decide to move websites you will need to pay an admin fee for the cost of the time it takes to move the website to a new server.
Intellectual Property
Cn holds the right to all intellectual property related to this site and its business practices. You may share links to pages and posts but you must not use any content as a means to promote anything which will lead to personal or business financial gains. Although in some circumstances you may do so if you have sought and received written permission direct from Cn; to do this please email in the first instance. All Cn-made content is subject to copyright but in some circumstances this website may also share external information via links and or images to which Cn is not responsible for the said external website / company / person to where the information has derived. In using this website you are agreeing to abide by these legally binding rules agreeing not to redistribute the information illegally and take full responsibility for what you do with any external links/information which is not created by Cn. Also see Non Disclosure Agreement for clients.
Cn is a trading name for ChristianJBennett Ltd and therefore invoices will be sent using the full company name. Please note invoiced fees should be paid as soon as possible. If funds are received later than 4 weeks an additional charge of 20% will be added for each additional month and your services may be disrupted until full payment has been received. VAT charges subject to change.
Non Disclosure Agreement
When entering into a contract with Cn for its services, both contracted parties are legally agreeing to not disclose any confidential information and or use the said information for any additional financial gains via a third party. In other words you may not sell on the information, advice and or services you receive from Cn. The FEEL4® formula and all its intellectual property is the sole property of Cn and should not be used for any other project besides those you have paid for.
Offers, Pricing & Fees
Offers and pricing are subject to instant change at the discretion of Cn. Binding contract price agreements remain as per the terms of the contract. Prior to any binding contract Cn reserves the right to refuse or amend an offer per client. If any payment has been made a refund will be made relative to the circumstances. Fees do not include any third party fees such as GoogleAd payments, unless formally agreed between both parties as part of a larger campaign of work. If in doubt please
Cn takes your privacy very seriously. All information will be treated confidentially and will not be passed on to any third parties unless you have given your consent.
Service Satisfaction Guarantee
Satisfaction with the digital services you receive at Cn is paramount. No excuses. If you feel that the service you have received did not meet your expectations then you are entitled to delay any payment until you feel the service has been delivered to an agreeable standard. Invoices are sent routinely hence the maximum time-frame you can dispute past work is limited to the previous period. Please note, this does not mean you can skip a routine payment. Your payment will still be owed once you are satisfied that your reason for non payment is acknowledged and a solution is in place moving forward. Other services such as hosting which require upfront fees are not included but a case may still be made to resolve any disputes.